Management Policy
A company that anticipates and prepares for social changes and customer needs with future-oriented thinking
Create a corporate culture that plans, decides, executes, and takes responsibility for results
Serve society through technological innovation, and improve the quality of life by creating added value
As a basic element of CIS, the symbol mark is a representative symbol that is the core of all visual communication that expresses the corporate image internally and externally. A symbol created to secure the unity of visual image, since the mark is intended to create a sense of unity among members of the organization and to convey a consistent image in communication between the company and its customers, special care is required when using the mark. In order to maximize the effect of CIS, the symbol mark must be applied accurately according to the regulations for each item exemplified in this manual, and the symbol mark must always be used in combination with the logotype in principle. If there is a case where the symbol mark needs to be used independently, it must go through consultation with the management department.