TMC leading the shipbuilding equipment industry

ESG management

TMC’s Human Rights Management Declaration

TMC declares that it will actively practice human rights management that emphasizes human dignity and value, and fulfill its social responsibilities related to respecting human rights for employees, customers, stakeholders, and the local community. In order to practice human rights management, TMC strives to prevent human rights violation cases from occurring in all business operations that are directly or indirectly affected by the company, and forms a governance system in which the board of directors, chief ESG officer, and related organizations are constantly connected. TMC will enact and implement human rights management practices that specifically stipulate human rights management policy establishment, operation of the Human Rights Management Committee, human rights impact assessment, and human rights violation relief measures. TMC recognizes the safety and health of employees at its workplace, the environment for shared growth with partners, and contributions and responsibilities to the local community as major human rights issues, and will focus on managing and monitoring human rights risks. TMC will take the lead in strengthening human rights management so that this human rights policy can be applied and followed not only by TMC's executives and employees, but also by all stakeholders, including customers, shareholders, business partners, local communities, and the government. thank you